
Type of Program

Tri-Care, Inc. is a community-based agency, licensed by the Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) to provide an array of services to individuals with Intellectual Disabilities in a residential setting.  Program participants receive continuous to intermittent individual supports and services that are oriented towards meeting the needs, desires, aspirations, and expectations of the individual and his/her family or guardian.

Admission Criteria

  1. Must be 18 years of age.
  2. Must have a Intellectual disability.
  3. Must be in need of an array of services and supervised living arrangement.
  4. The individual or guardian shall give informed consent to participate in a CILA program.
  5. The individual or guardian must agree to participate in the development and implementation of the individual Service Plan.
  6. Individual must be deemed eligible for services by PAS/ISSA.
  7. Individual must be approved by (DHS) Division of Intellectual Disabilities for services.

No decline policy

Tri-Care, Inc. supports a “No Decline Policy” for individuals who desire CILA Services who meets the criteria for placement unless the following circumstances exist:

  1. Tri-Care, Inc. does not have the capacity to accommodate the particular type or level of disability after documented efforts have been unsuccessful in assisting the individual in locating a service provider which has the capacity to accommodate the particular type or level of disability.
  2. Tri-Care, Inc. shall provide reasonable accommodation for such person unless it is determined that such accommodations causes the agency or other service provider an undue hardship or overly burdensome expense.

Tri-Care, Inc. will not decline no otherwise qualified individuals who desire placement in its homes solely on the basis of his or her physical disability(s).


It is the policy of Tri-Care, Inc. not to discriminate on the bases of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, HIV, disability, and sexual orientation.